November Wellness Retreat Questionnaire
At the November Retreat we are welcoming four exciting guest presenters and additional information we need from you. To help ensure our speakers are catering to your interests, we ask that you please complete the following questions no later than October 12, 2018.
Please note that while our guests have expressed wanting your input to help their session development, it will be impossible for all topics identified to be covered. Speakers may not cover your topic due to time limitations, there may be interest by the majority in another topic, or the speaker may not be an expert in the area of the topic that you’ve identify.
Click here for our updated Agenda and Attendee Package.
The retreat will take place in the Loyalist Room at Queen’s Landing from November 3-5th and commences at 10:00AM on Saturday morning. If you are no longer able to attend, please email us at
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