“I was diagnosed with AML, a type of leukaemia when I was 18 years old. I remember how quickly my life had turned upside down. Suddenly my dreams of starting college were filled with long hospital stays, chemo, and countless tests. Since I didn’t reach remission the first time, I was told I would need a stem cell transplant. I was blessed to have my oldest brother as my match.
After reaching remission, I was given my new chance of life on November 23 2011. Although I have reached remission my life has been filled, with many medical complications and setbacks. Though the journey hasn’t always been easy, I strive to live each day to the best that I can.
I became a Pink Pearl participant over this past year. At the retreat I was able to make connections with others who truly did get what going through cancer was like. I had the chance to make some friendships I wouldn’t have been able to, if not for Pink Pearl.
As a young woman who has gone through cancer; I never knew how it would impact my mental health. I often felt alone, and depressed. As wonderful as my supports were, they weren’t able to understand everything I was going through. The community that Pink Pearl has created has changed my life for the better. Women who understand my pain, and lift me up, who are always willing to encourage me when I am down. Pink Pearl has given me the chance to continue to heal and to grow from my past. I look forward to continuing to be part of such a wonderful organization.”
– Hanna Ekres, Program Participant