“Being diagnosed with breast cancer in my 20’s was extremely isolating and lonely. I didn’t know anyone else with cancer and had no one in my life that could relate to what I was going through. I craved conversation with other young adults with cancer, but in all of my appointments and support groups I was by far the youngest. I have a great family who dropped everything to be by my side throughout my treatment, but it wasn’t enough. This is exactly why organizations that focus on connecting young cancer patients are so important. Our needs and struggles are different than those that are middle-age and older. As young women, a lot of us are just starting our careers or romantic relationships. Some have young children or the desire to get pregnant. We are at the beginning stages of adult life, left to deal with cancer and the lasting side effects from treatment for years to come. I’m so grateful to my AYA Nurse for recommending Pink Pearl Foundation to me. Through Pink Pearl, I’ve met incredible women that inspire me every day. I also met my “breastie” at the first overnight wellness retreat that we both attended. Her friendship has made my life so much better and I know we will be lifelong friends. I left that weekend feeling supported and fortunate to be a part of such a strong group of women. It is really special to be surrounded by people who just get it without having to explain anything. Shortly after my first overnight wellness retreat, I knew I had to volunteer with Pink Pearl to help other young women feel supported throughout some of the worst years of their life. I currently volunteer with the Programs Committee, organizing Local Socials with my breastie to bring women together to share, laugh and have fun with one another. It’s been so fulfilling to give back to an organization that has continually supported me since my cancer diagnosis.” – Emily Piercell, Program Participant & Volunteer @emilypiercell
Photo Credit: The Girl Friends Project and nataliadolan.com