We know what it’s like to hear the words ‘you have cancer’. We’ve been there too. That’s why we developed our Support Packages (Haven’t received one? Email us.) and created this list of support services offered to young adults facing cancer across Canada. Connect with the organizations and experts that resonate with you. We are all in this together.
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Over 40? Here’s a list of Resources in Ontario
Pink Pearl Canada
Pink Pearl Canada is a community-oriented charitable organization that provides support, facilitates connections and empowers young women who are courageously overcoming the social and emotional challenges of being diagnosed with cancer.
Adolescent and Young Adult Program at PMH
The AYA Program provides personalized, supportive, care beyond the medical needs of young adult patients ages 39 and under. It has been created to ensure that your concerns related to cancer and regular life are addressed during and after your cancer journey. You will meet with a Clinical Nurse Specialist, who can connect you to services and resources, as well as provide support around unique needs. The program also provides monthly newsletters including information on upcoming AYA events at the hospital and in the community.
The Bloom Club
The Bloom Club is a space for young women to discuss the challenges of a cancer diagnosis while also enjoying adventures and experiences with other young women who understand. The creators, Sara and Shanna, have been through trauma, and know we could all use adventures that bring joy to our lives.
Callanish creates a healing space for people who have been irrevocably changed by cancer. At the heart of Callanish is a weeklong retreat that provides a gentle catalyst for revitalizing the spirit. The Younger Adult Program provides support tailored to the unique needs of those experiencing a cancer diagnosis as a younger adult (ages 19-40s). Our programs strive to help younger adults and their families explore the impact cancer has had on their lives physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and to help break the social isolation that is so commonly experienced.
The Canadian Cancer Society
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) is committed to improving and saving lives. That’s why CCS is always looking for new ways to prevent cancer, find it early and treat it more successfully. It’s why CCS is always ready to give people with cancer the help and support they need to lead more fulfilling lives. CCS’ vision is a world where no Canadian fears cancer.
CancerConnection.ca is a safe and welcoming place for discussion, support and the exchange of information about managing cancer in your life. It allows people to share their experiences and build supportive relationships. They have very active breast cancer forums and our forums are professionally moderated.
Carley's Angels
Carley’s Angels is working to unite traditional and holistic cancer care in hospitals, while spreading Carley’s message of Always Smile. At Carley’s Angels, it’s always been about access. Access to the integrative cancer treatments that patients need, when they need them and where they need them. Every patient’s journey is unique and so every patient’s access to treatment is different. We are determined to ensure that all cancer patients have access to the integrative cancer care they need.
Chasing Rainbows
Chasing Rainbows Young Adult Cancer Advocacy is an initiative developed by Pat Taylor with the mission of discovering and distributing multi-media support resources for young adults living with cancer, as well as for caregivers, family, friends, and medical professionals.
Cottage Dreams
Cottage Dreams helps families touched by cancer to reconnect and rejuvenate at a private, donated cottage.
ELLICSR is designed as a collaborative space for research into health, wellness and cancer survivorship. Here, we strive to better understand the cancer and survivorship experience in order to improve it. We look for fresh new ideas and approaches to improve health and wellness during and after cancer treatment. We endeavour to close the gap between what we already know works and what survivors do day to day to improve their own health and wellness.
Gilda's Club Greater Toronto
Gilda’s Club Greater Toronto (GCGT), a registered charity that is making an important difference for cancer patients, their family and friends in the Greater Toronto Area. Our Mission is to ensure people living with cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community. Our inclusive program of support, education and social interaction for the “whole family”- adults, children and teens as well as their family and friends is offered in a home-like setting and provided FREE of charge to members.
Gilda's Club Simcoe Muskoka
Gilda’s Club Simcoe Muskoka provides support groups, movement classes, social activities and more for anyone living with a cancer diagnosis, their caregivers, and children impacted by cancer living in the Simcoe Muskoka regions and beyond. All services are offered FREE of charge.
InspireHealth is a non-for-profit supportive cancer care organization approved by the BC Ministry of Health. Our goal is to provide the best care possible for people living with a diagnosis of cancer. Our Clinical Services are provided by a team of physicians, nutritionists, clinical counsellors and exercise therapists. All our services, programs and classes are free of charge at our centers in Vancouver, Victoria and Kelowna.
Knight's Cabin
Knight’s Cabin Cancer Retreats was created to be a catalyst for positive health behavior change. We host weekend retreats where we teach patients the research-based information about health behaviours they can control—nutrition, exercise, sleep and stress management. We integrate behavioral change research to improve their chance of success. This is done in a supportive community of other people with cancer.
The Olive Branch of Hope
The Olive Branch of Hope is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2001 by breast cancer survivors to provide support and promote awareness of breast cancer in women with a particular focus on “Women of African Ancestry” Our services are designed to meet the needs of women diagnosed with breast cancer to help them cope with the many emotional, social, physical, and spiritual effects of the disease. We provide an open opportunity to discuss and share experiences in a comfortable setting where “Sharing and caring is our theme.” No woman should feel alone during this time of crisis.
PYNK Program
PYNK is a highly specialized program, the first of its kind in Canada, focusing on the unique needs of young women aged 40 and under diagnosed with breast cancer. We focus on topics such as, but not limited to, fertility preservation, premature menopause and helping children cope with mum’s diagnosis. It is run by doctors, a program navigator, a social worker and research assistant with input from young breast cancer survivors. It was first established in 2008 at Sunnybrook Odette Cancer Centre in Toronto. In 2023, two new sites have opened and PYNK services can now be accessed at Mount Sinai Hospital (Toronto) and Juravinski Cancer Centre (Hamilton).
Rethink Breast Cancer
Rethink Breast Cancer‘s mission is to empower young people worldwide who are concerned about and affected by breast cancer. Rethink brings bold, relevant awareness to foster a new generation of young and influential breast cancer supporters and, most importantly, respond to the unique needs of young women living with breast cancer.
Shine Through the Rain Foundation
Shine Through the Rain Foundation aims to help individuals and families affected by life-threatening illness, working hard to improve and enrich the lives of those who approach us in their time of need. We support adults, children, and families from all walks of life, providing advice, guidance, and financial support as they try to navigate emotional, physical and financial challenges that arise from a health crisis. Our organization offers care, comfort, and compassion as we endeavor to shine a light on the devastating impact of life-threatening illness.
Team Shan
Team Shan Breast Breast Cancer Awareness for Young Women (Team Shan) is dedicated to reaching young women with their breast cancer risk and breast health information. Our mission is to educate the public, health care professionals and young women about early detection, risk reduction and prevention of breast cancer.
VOBOC is a Montréal-based non-profit charitable organization whose mission is to equip, engage and empower Adolescents and Young Adults with cancer to improve their experiences and health outcomes.
Wellspring is a network of community-based support centres offering programs and services that meet the emotional, social, practical, informational and physical/functional needs of people living with cancer and those who care for them. Wellspring programs are offered free of charge.
Local Chapters:
Wellspring Westerkirk House | 105 Wellness Way, Toronto, Ontario, M4N 0B1
Wellspring Chinguacousy | 5 Inspiration Way, Brampton, Ontario, L6R 0L7
Wellspring Birmingham Gilgan House | 2545 Sixth Line, Oakville, Ontario, L6H 7V9
Wellspring London and Region | 382 Waterloo Street, London, Ontario, N6B 2N8
Wellspring Stratford | 55 Lorne Avenue, Unit 6, Stratford, Ontario, N5A 6S4
Wellspring Niagara | 50 Wellspring Way, Fonthill, Ontario, L0S 1E6
Wellspring Alberta | 1404 Home Rd NW, Calgary, AB T3B 1G7
Wellwood is an inclusive, community-based organization that offers supportive care programs and services at no cost to those living with cancer or caring for someone with cancer.
Wildfire Magazine
WILDFIRE is a magazine specifically designed with young breast cancer survivors and fighters, in mind. Their contributors are all diagnosed under the age of 45 – a growing population decades younger than average breast cancer fighter with few age-appropriate resources available. Their belief is that reading the stories of others diagnosed young provides a much needed community and support network for today’s young breast cancer survivor. They go further than that, though, and help you learn to tell your own story to the survivors coming up behind you. This has the dramatic effect of turning a traumatic cancer experience into an empowering one!
Windsor Regional Cancer Centre
The Patient Assistance Fund: A cancer diagnosis can bring with it many uncertainties and unexpected expenses. In an attempt to alleviate some of those burdens, the Windsor Cancer Centre Foundation created a fund to assist its patients at a time when it is needed most. The Patient Assistance Fund (PAF) is available for emergency use when all other forms of financial assistance is not available. Patients of the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre will meet with their social workers to determine whether they meet the established criteria in order to qualify for such funding. For information please contact your social worker to determine if you qualify for assistance.
Dignity Robes: Being diagnosed with cancer is life changing and can turn your world upside down while taking your dignity with it. The Dignity Robe was designed to give women comfort and control, both emotionally and physically, while going through radiation therapy for breast and lung cancer. When a patient goes to the Windsor Regional Cancer Centre for the first time, they’re given a Dignity Robe. These robes come in a choice of colours and open in the front and on the sides with velcro allowing women the control to be partially covered during treatment.
RENEW Cancer Wellness Program: A program offering targeted education and exercise opportunities for patients during and after cancer treatment. The education sessions are offered for free, both in-person and online. The exercise program is held in Windsor-Essex at a low cost. For more details, click here.
Young Adult Cancer Canada
Young Adult Cancer Canada (YACC) helps young adults dealing with cancer in their late teens, 20s, and 30s live with, through, and beyond cancer through its unique and life-changing local, national, and digital programs. Every cancer, Every stage, YACC’s got their backs.