Ashley Mikitzel
Social Worker
Ashley is a registered Social Worker with a deep commitment to supporting individuals impacted by cancer, especially the Adolescent and Young Adult community. Her personal connection to cancer began at 3.5 years old when she was diagnosed with Leukemia. She has worked in various community spaces supporting children, youth and adults with cancer for over 15 years. Ashley currently works as an in-patient oncology social worker at Juravinski Hospital and practices as a therapist in the Hamilton area.
Ashley holds a Bachelor of Social Work from Ryerson University, a Master of Social Work from Laurier University, and a Master of Education in Counselling Psychology from the University of Toronto. She practices from a person-centered, feminist, and strengths-based approach. She is grounded in anti-oppressive principles and is trauma-informed. Her therapeutic practice supports individuals facing cancer at any stage, with expertise in illness adjustment, grief, bereavement, end-of-life planning and legacy work. Ashley is especially committed to improving access to inclusive and equitable support for young people living with cancer.
Connect with Ashley: support@